Friday, 13 November 2009

Quarter life crisis!!!!

Have you ever felt like you are overloaded with responsibilities all of a sudden?When you need to make those "duty" calls to people whom you don't even know,when you got to think for 5 people before you decide on something, when the "I think" becomes "We think", when you feel like you are doing things more for others than for yourself!!!! Well, its official.. I have been hit by the quarter life crisis!!! I have been trying to push the thought out of my mind for the past year (that's when I hit 25), but it keeps catching up!!!Not that I shy away from responsibilities, but sometimes it gets to you.Its then when you think of your carefree days of the past.You think of things that you did when you were in your ahem.. ahem.. early 20's.Small things bought a lot of joy then.Weekends were blissful days...and you made meticulous plans.. with clockwork precision.Movies, Shopping, Coffeshops and restaurants were the favourite haunts.I still remember the fun I had with my friends - cooking was fun,housekeeping was fun and even work was fun!!! There were crazy times too - like when it was someone's bday, everyone had a blast.There was the "surprise" cake-cutting (invariably the person knew the cake was coming -yet managed to act surprised).Then there were brain-storming sessions - the majority of all these sessions had one topic "solving boyfriend related issues"!!! Discussions ranged from about who likes who, whether its right to like someone, how to go about your first date to solving breakup issues.And all those late-night gossip... with bowls of maggie that lasted upto 6:00 in the morning and oh my, the crazy disco sessions!!!!Did we ever have any issues then - I often think.It doesn't seem like we had any.. or even if we did, we always believed they were somehow solvable.Those days seem way long ago now.
Things seemed changed now and I said earlier its not only the responsibility part.It's I guess you being accountable for your actions and also the fact that your actions have a lot of impact on many people's life.Its like a avalanche effect..small things get blown out of proportion.Somehow, you are expected to be act in accordance to others thoughts.There are people telling you to plan your future (did we even have to be bothered about what we were going to do the next day back then???).A few relationships become the very core of your existence.You are expected to do a balancing act every now and then.
But yeah, I guess its plain human tendency to always look back at things and wonder how nice they were.The key I think is to be grounded and let all this not affect your core-self.Even during this phase, you have people around you who love you and always will stand upto you, come what may- I guess you just need to take that into account and get over with it.Maybe when I am 50 and facing my mid-life crisis, this would look trivial!!!!!


Unknown said...

Woah! You had quite the carefree days didn't you? disco sessions??!! hehehe
good post. it's been a while hasn't it? Looks like you're up and running...looking forward to more...Chennai specific episodes...(tips: ganja intoxicated yellow auto drivers of chennai?)

Unknown said...

hey as ususal going thru ur blog is fun and ofcourse thought helps me get oer a few thngs and be happy.thnx!it dfntly peps me up!
miss u yaar! take care

Nivedh said...
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Nivedh said...

Ohh la la, Rapsy - thats indeed a thought provoking blog and yes i do in a way agree to what you are saying there but..

Ashik ..... dude - please do not give ideas,,,,,

Rapsy keep going, great one, enjoyed reading but looks like we need to talk :)or aare few things better unsaid (untold?)

DO we??? hahah

Juliet said...

Rashmi.. That was a very nice one... And indeed when u narrated those night outs and disco I still relish those days !! Unforgettable memories were those.. Of course agree that they were care free days....

Unknown said...

hey its one of the best ever "read" for me! Just cannot say how much I really liked reading it. Reading this blog, certainly instigated me that I should start back scribbling something in my own blog! To simply put, your blog just made me feel that sometime each one of us are "caught in the middle of no where". Isnt it?
As I read your blog, I was curious to know how you had ended this. You ended it with charm and style that there will be people around you who you really love. This blog reminded me of my mom and she is the one whom I can always lean on to, come what may!
Coming back to your blog, while I agree that one has to live for self and his/her happiness, it is equally important that we dont end up being selfish and that we end up hurting others. I dont wanna call this as some sort of destiny bcs I feel our actions determine our destiny. May be its just a quarter(crisis), one can tend incline towards being selfish but trying giving our emotions back to our family will only get it in return with heaps and bounds!

Rashmi said...

@Ashik - Thanks for the inspiration.My next one will def be on the lines you suggested :)
@Shweta - hey dost!!! thanks re.Its nice to know that someone is happy after reading what I write ;)
@Nivedh - ahem..ahem.. I guess we need to talk soon.. ;)
@Julie - thanks ponto - Miss our H83 days!!!
@Shiva - Good to see someone motivated to write.I have read one of your blog and I must say you should write more.hmmmmmm, dont quite agree to all what you said (I am sure you would have known that!!!).Rest in person ;)

Unknown said...

Your words sends me nostalgic memories and I feel all of us linger on this sort of a feeling at some point or the other.What matters is how successful you emerge and shoulder the responsibilities without faltering.It is like the metamorphosis, I feel. The success of the butterfly lies in emerging out and facing the challenges of the outside world rather than hibernating. When your responsibility increases, your importance also goes up and it also adds to the circle of well wishers.It has always been the thumb rule that we tend to cherish the past than sometimes enjoying the present.Anyway,your concluding lines answers the anguish that you have expressed in the beginning. Your way of analyzing small things and making it a thought provoking topic surprises me. Let your blogs continue….All the best dear.Missing you a lot.

Ramesh G said...

well written.. you can very well get over the crisis(if any)

You can blend into any or demanding situations still lending the flavour and aroma like the coffee put into hot water....

Nithya said...

Ok...just a thought
Who were you referring to when you mentioned "Surprise" b'day parties and cakes?????????/
Haaannn??? I want to know....tell me!! :-p